I would love to bring awareness to the Education Sector about Sensory Processing Sensitivity
One of my visions as a High Sensory Person is to bring awareness to Schools and Children about High Sensory Intelligence
I have a passion and mission to bring the much needed awareness of High Sensory Intelligence (Sensory Processing Sensitivity) to every High Sensory Child so they can learn to thrive from their teen years into young adult hood and beyond (ideally from birth).
Navigating your way through ‘life’ as a HSP can be a minefield for some, perhaps a war zone for others and those rare few, a breeze. For me it was just a constant conflict between a knowing and wanting to just be this ‘Free Spirit’, a feeling that just resonated deeply within me and the battle to meet societies expectations of myself and the all consuming human-conditioning. Some children experience hell, coming from unhealthy or deprived home lives, then the very rare ones who have had their sensitivity needs met at home, throughout their school life and well into adulthood thriving all the way. I want the latter to be an option for all High Sensory Children.
If I had the knowledge I now have and I can offer children, all those years ago, I would have avoided much mental suffering, stress, depression and anxiety, been able to thrive and embrace my creative expression with a lot more confidence. 20-30% of the human population has this trait which has yet to be fully accepted in many of the organisations like the medical profession but it soon will be and I want to help it along in the education system.
So I am currently in the process of designing and rolling out a very simple program which educates the staff and children in schools about High Sensory Intelligence, how the children can learn to advocate for their needs, diminishing anxiety, depression, substance abuse, suicide and and many illnesses (mainly auto-immune), they will increase their academic and creative performance, have a deeper self confidence and be able to go into adulthood making healthier and happier choices for years to come.