Summer Solstice at Stonehenge 2024
Summer Solstice 2024 at Stonehenge
Well… all I can say is, it was an experience, something I fancied, but not to be repeated; at least not in the Solstice context. I was half expecting, but really hoping to be proved wrong, for it to be a bit commercialised; which it was. A mini festival as it were…
As we approached the Stones from the North East across the field I saw 3 flood lights, then as we approached lots of security checks - perfectly understandable, (some of which I had read online of what you could take it etc.) There were also many porter loos, yes, very useful, but did they really need to be SO close to the Stones… Also, burger and coffee vans… again, SO close to the Stones?
I appreciate these commodities are very useful in these circumstances, but again, in the next field or nearer the car park, as for me it really negated what the experience is about.
I had hoped for an authentic experience, walking around the stones, touching and being in awe of them, because let’s face it, they are pretty incredible! Maybe some well protected fires to give off light, or fake looking fires, and just a generally more real authentic and realistic atmosphere of times gone by, rather than the commercial experience that it was. I wonder if going to them, not during Solstice is more authentic when nothing is around them.
I didn’t dislike the drums playing, however, I did feel rather uncomfortable, as I got closer to see that a lot of people had crammed themselves onto the Stones, sitting, standing, stomping on them… This just felt a bit sacrilegious to me, call me old fashioned and a killjoy, but there are some things in this world that, for me, should just be admired, but as we have seen in humanities history, we just have to desecrate things… We can’t just be subtle and appreciative in a respectful way.
I did take my shoes off to walk around barefooted to enjoy some grounding among the Stones, then found myself walking over a small part of a Stone that was protruding, following the person I was with and was quite shocked at just disregarding (by walking over it as many did) this Stone and almost found myself apologising to the Stones for our behaviour… Crazy, I know! But, I never said I was normal and it was just an internal instinct; my soul was like WTF! Feeling bad for this sacred land and a sacred monument that should be respected.
Avebury Stones that’s just up the road (I hope to visit at some point), which is very different I appreciate, seems to have a less pillaged vibe being less famous of course, but wouldn’t it be nice if Stonehenge had that sort of circumstance or respect?
Anyway, I know I sound like a killjoy, but there are just some things in life that I feel humans should honour and give a bit more respect to. Time and a place and all that.
On the positive, the drive there and back was spectacular driving through Salisbury Plains and across the Mendips in my Defender, we did wild camp, I slept in the back of my Defender and got to do some off-roading which is always a joy! We did explore Bulford and the rivers and had a paddle, plus the weather was incredibly good to us, so all-in-all, it was an experience.
Until next time!
Much Love
Elisha 💖