An update from me... Turns out I am a HSP Empath!
Crooks Peak, Somerset, UK - February Sunsets
Well, suffice to say it’s been a hell of a 2 years for the world, let alone me, with all the sadness, stress, loss, change and restrictions Covid brought. I had my own personal stuff going on, but my word, 2021 was a bit much for me. We’d had all the chaos in 2020 and it didn’t stop in 2021, really, did it?! I finished the year with severe insomnia, anxiety, covid and a nervous breakdown, yes, a breakthrough that was interestingly timed!
Well, I made it through, sadly many didn’t from Covid, their own illnesses, old age, and an important one for me is suicide. Mainly because my gorgeous late brother did, some years ago now, 10 this year in fact - shit, a decade?! Better think of some nice things to do around that to get through it - and because I know of a few men that have come near or have, and I do include those few women/girls too. Also, because I too, have suffered from depression on and off for years, situational, hormonal, grief and now recently discovered from sensory overload due to being a HSP Empath - what a flippin revelation that has been!
I hope with the last 2 years we will see a huge change in mental health awareness, even more so than the last 5 years. the Lockdowns really brought it to our attention.