Llyn Gwynant, Wales - June 2021
(originally written June 2021)
What a view!!! Recent road trip to North Wales, UK.
Sooo… my original plan back in the spring was to blog at least once a week, particularly when the mood took me, basically when I was in flow for it. Suffice to say, I let my ego/mind get the better of me, procrastinated and went down a rabbit hole for a bit! Oh, you know the one, where your mind says negative things like “what could you possibly have to say that’s of any significance” etc etc. Yup! That bloomin rabbit hole. I just have so much I want to share with you all , nuggets of nourishment that I have learned over years and come across regularly. Sometimes there’s just so much I don’t know where to start! For some reason I have been labeling them rabbit holes as it seems quite a good description of where you glance down a hole, knowing it’s not a good idea and fall into another world and take a while to get back out again because you keep going into other tunnels.
It’s quite incredible how we are so easily consumed by our partners “stuff”, whether it’s helping them with projects, a new job, their mother or even an ex wife! Guilty, of letting my mind run a mock and taking over! Talk about flippin exhausting, I think that’s my secret for staying so slim, I think too much! lol. The brain burns around 300 calories a day apparently, madness! I am SO glad to say that I have been marvelous this week at focusing on “myself”, as in my to do’s really. I have had no clients this week for treatments so I have been able to just focus on to do’s, catching up after a gorgeous road trip to North Wales (photo above) and my creativity. I am really trying to praise myself after writing some notes from Marisa Peer’s book I AM ENOUGH, where I read that we must praise ourselves because the psychological affects are just profound! It’s a win win, as I am SO pro as self deprecating talk, so I am really trying (life long maintenance) to be SO much nicer and kinder to myself this week and it seems to have made quite the nice affect! Yay! So yes, my ego is in the background saying, “well…, you could have done a bit more, really…” No ego, naff off!! I’ve done really well. Today I went for a meeting at a residential village to be their resident beauty therapist in a local village, which is just ace. Sadly since covid, my client base has gone a little so be good to have some newbies, plus having conversations with the elderly is amazing, always so many great stories to listen to. I used to love listening to my Gran talk about her childhood, the war years etc etc.
I apologise if my blog makes no bloody sense at all, I do tend to chop around in my mind, as women do with our spaghetti connections jumping around from one thing to another, all day, everyday… unlike men who have the natural capability of being in their one box at a time. That was a good book, Men Are Like Waffles — Women Are Like Spaghetti by Bill Farrel and Pam Farrel. We truly do function differently and the sooner we realise, accept and have patience with this, the better your relationship will be! This knowledge has helped me tenfold. Stopping to think about things like “is this a good time to ask you a question or get some advice”, having the patience to wait for the guy to respond to anything as they sometimes just need that time, more than us. Women are traditionally more emotional (thank you hormones!) so can react a bit more with emotions, men tend to react but from possibly carrying too much anger. Anyway, that’s a whole other subject, which I may share what I have learnt at some point. Basically we really different beings to each other, but work so well when there’s respect above all.
It’s really hit me this week that I do like the odd no client week, as I can then really get my head into my creativity, whether that’s painting, drawing, sewing, writing or website work. Really helps to just be in one box in my head and get into flow, when it’s a week of clients and creativity it’s definitely a little exhausting and not so easy to be in flow. I have been thinking this week, “can I be in flow in everything I do?”, from what I have read I think so, I just need to up my game on the meditation front I think and let go and just be in the moment, not thinking what I want to be doing or what to do later.
I best dash, again, super random I know, I am just giving this blog thing a go and seeing where it takes me and what happens from it, you don’t know until you try, right!?
Remember, self-care is essential for your health and those around you, it has a rippling affect!
Elisha xx